Naval Architecture

Ship Stability

This subject concerns the study and design of the shape and structure of ships, including aspects related to stability, hydrodynamic resistance, dimensions and distribution of internal volumes.

We perform and organize:

  1. Stability test – Incling test
  2. Weighing of the ship (to be performed every 5 years for passenger ships)
  3. Stability booklet in the intact and damaged state
  4. Stability calculations with cranes on board
  5. Stability calculations for dredging units, with specific considerations of spill out / In flow.


It deals with the study of phenomena related to the interaction between the ship and the fluid, including hydrodynamic resistance, propulsive efficiency, hull optimization and the behavior of the ship based on the sea state.

We perform:

  1. Preparation and assistance for tank tests
  2. CFD calculations
  3. Choice of the propeller


This subject covers mechanical engineering applied to ships:

  1.  design of propulsion systems and shaft lines;
  2. of on-board mechanical equipment such as winch bases, hinges for opening doors or split barges,
  3. Local reinforcements and anchoring systems

Structural Calculation

This subject covers the design of ship structures:

  1. such as hull, superstructures, decks and lifting equipment (OIL Cable Stress Tables and Crane Structures);
  2. structural stress analysis and performance verification under static and dynamic loads.
  3. Calculations can be performed either according to recognized Rules or by FEM
    Over loading test procedures
    DNV 2-7.1 and DNV 2-7.3 calculations

Marine Safety & Security

This subject concerns the design of safety systems on board ships, including measures to prevent maritime accidents, fire protection, rescue and evacuation systems, as well as compliance with international regulations and conventions on maritime safety.

We draft and customize the following manuals:

  • Rescue Means Training Manual (DPR 435).
  • Combined fire prevention and training manual (DPR 435)
  • Workplace safety management manual. (Article 17 Legislative Decree 271/99)
  • Plans pursuant to Article 35 (DPR 435) – Italian Flag
    Control and preparation for statutory visits, including on-board exercises.

NEW SOLAS Requirements

Siamo constantemente aggiornati sulle norme SOLAS, che continuamente vengono varate, ecco le ultime novità:

Starting from 1st January 2024, all ships shall comply with requirement of MSC.1/Circ 1620 Guidelines for inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment, including lines, and in particular, they shall maintain available on board the following documentation:

  •  records of the original design concept, equipment, arrangement and specifications through the life cycle of the ship.
  • procedures for mooring operations, inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment, including mooring lines.
  • records of inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment and inspection and replacement of mooring lines. Such records are to be kept for a period determined by the Company, but in any event the records are to be kept until completion of the next annual survey.
  • Compliance with the above requirements will be checked in occasion of the first survey at the purpose of either Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate or Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (including certificate issued pursuant to Directive 2009/45/EC & D.L. 45/2000 for Class A ships) after 1st January 2024.
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